Monday, February 2, 2009

so today is the first day of the rest of my life. (day 1)

i've decided to do this whole keeping a journal thing on the internet too. i don't care if you read it, i just want to keep everybody up to date. [:
well, yesterday. Friday, january 30, 2009. 1:20 pm. the worst news i could posibly get. I have APML, it's a type of leukemia. as soon as i heard the word leukemia, my heart sank. it sank to some unbelievable low i couldn't explain. right then, at that moment, i just broke. broke into a million little unrepairable pieces. my mom did the same. we just sat there, and she sat on my bed and we just wailed. that's all i could possibly think of doing. it took about a half an hour, then it was just kinda like, yeah.. i have leukemia. then calling people? wow. each time i said it.. it became more real. and every time i called someone, i just about wanted to cry. but that helped? it did. talking to people. I'm just so SO happy, and lucky, that i'm blessed to have such amazing friends that are there for me no matter what. [: All of you are so amazing, and i couldn't ask for better friends.After the initial shock set in, and i was just like, Well snap. what in the world am i gonna with myself for a month???? haha.
SO... today? the first day of the rest of my life. wanna know my goal? i'mma kick this cancer's ass.. veryy hard! and come to prom lookin hotter than ever!it's gonna happen. i'm stubborn like that! yeah. today.. first day of the rest of my life. gotta get an ekg. talk to you guys laterr. [:
thanks for your prayers.

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