Monday, February 9, 2009

liberation. (day 10)

i had an amazing weekend. i was actually awake for two whole days in a row! haha. i had a "party" saturday and random people sunday. i'm technically not supposed to have a ton of people in my room, but the nurses really don't care. i'm not going to tell my doctors about my parties, i'll more than likely get in some form of trouble. i've built up an interesting reputation of being ridiculously awesome 24/7. i impressed my doctors with how much i understand everything and how i'm in such a good mood most days. i'm always like, who are you? i sound kind of rude saying that, but i just want to know everyone's names. a lot of people already know me. they're just like, i've heard about how amazing you are! i mean, what can i say? i am. :] haha.

yesterday when bethany came, she said that everyone wanted a video to just see that i'm ok and all that. i really want to see how it came out.. i just kinda stood next to my card wall, i'm like... well i'm ok... hooked up to a machine.. i didn't really know what to say. at all. i'm good like that i guess. i think its so crazy amazing how much people are concerned about me. it's so overwhelming and awesome. i'm so blessed to have such an amazing support network. it's so great. ahhh, i just can't explain it! it's another reason i'm positive almost all of the time. basically my brain is doing one of these all the time ----> XD

my iv chemo ends tomorrow morning at ten. it will pretty much be the best day ever. i've been hooked up to an iv 24 hours a day for the past week? i've slept through most of it but it sure does seem like an eternity. they have to keep one of the types of chemo continuously going. it's so terrible. i have to drag this pole around everywhere with me, i'm really suprised that i haven't broken it yet. i'm so uncordinated.
tomorrow? it's liberation day for me. i can be unhooked from my iv for more than ten minutes. i can shower without something attached to me. i'm so excited. i'll still be attached to it most of the time for fluids that keep my line clean. but.. if i want to do something random they'll let me. simple stuff like that i miss more than anything. just being able to move without dragging along a metal shadow all of the time... that's liberation in it's purest sense and form. more freedom than i had last week. i seriously can't wait.
i can't think of anything too deep or prophetic to leave you with. i'm just in a generally awesome mood after this weekend. all you need to know.
plans for this week?
well, i've got an ongoing v-day art project.
i'm going to learn how to draw.
my usual random-ness.
nothing new. [:
right now? i'm going to go take a walk. talk to random people, things like that.
who knows.
keep praying for me everyone!
it helps a lot.
ah! i know what else you can do. make me awesome stuff to decorate my room with? artwork, cards and stuff? that would be great!
thank you.
sarah. :)

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