Monday, February 2, 2009

prelude to a kiss. (day 2)

right now, my skin feels like its on fire.. not fun.!! they're re-doing the whatever on my picc line. getting super strong tape ripped off your arm hair hurts like nothing else. its insane! you know what i'd rather be doing? going to a superbowl party. or at least watching it at my house. I've got a pretty sweet t.v, but it's not the same!! Another day i'm missing out on kinda- valentines day. but that's ok, aubrey's my hot date. she's coming over and we're gonna watch movies and be goofy. that day will be day 15, halfway there!!!
earlier i was listening to prelude to a kiss by alicia keys. that song, right now, just makes me want to cry every time i hear it. it's the lyrics.
Sometimes I feel like I don't belong anywhere.
And it's gonna take so long for me to get to somewhere.
Sometimes I feel so heavy hearted, but I can't explain cuz I'm so guarded.
But that's a lonely road to travel, and a heavy load to bear.
And it's a long, long way to heaven but I gotta get there.....
Can you send an angel.....?
Can you send me an angel...... to guide me.
that song is so amazing. so so's kinda how i feel, but won't say in a large room.
i always want to cry after i read everyone's amazing and supportive comments. Everyone is SO amazing. i have such great friends. i'm so lucky. each one of you are so wonderful. like chris? if i haven't told you enough already, you're so amazing. you're super supportive and always there for me. i really don't think i could thank you enough! better come visit me tuesday. [: all of the people that have come to visit me?!? you guys are so awesome. i love my cards and balloon. then today, ricky, his mom, melanie, kara, allyssa, shaq, kiki, and their mom. they brought me awesome gifts and streamers. it for sure made my day. i love having visitors. when people come next, this room will be insanely awesome. i'm so excited! my mom brought me posters from my room i'm gonna hang up too. [:
tomorrow's day three. startin the serious drugs tomorrow.. :/
days 3-9.. one of the hardest weeks of my life! i'll be on the most medication then. but, gotta get thru the tough stuff before it gets better.
i've been typing this on and off since like three. my mind keeps drawing a blank. but yeah, here comes the tough part. if only chemo came without all the side effects! hey, a girl can dream. the side effects mean its workin haha.
i'm gonna go hang up my posters, and make some more signs. that was long.
thanks so so much for all of your prayers and support.
sarah. :)

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