Monday, February 2, 2009

let it rock. [bring on the hell.] (day 3)

today's been a pretty amazing day. yeah, i will have to come back for "stage three" even if i'm cured. but it might just be outpaitent, thank god... after stage one, [what i'm in now, aka hell...] there's stage two. i have to come back up here during the weekdays for five weeks to get arsenic treatments. yeah. that's what i thought. isn't arsenic kinda bad for you? isn't it a poison? yeah. it is! haha. but apparantly it's good for you in small doses... but good news! if i'm feeling well when i'm in stage two, and my counts are good, i can come to school in the afternoons. :)
so on friday, my cousins came and brought me a new ipod to replace my old one. it's really been helpful! i know i was lisening to let it rock when i started this, and i'm just thinking, that's how i feel right now! let's get this done and do it right! bring on whatever is coming at me! bring on the hell. i'm ready. anyway, when you're sick, time flies for sure.
but not this morning.! i woke up at like 830, and it's like, what do i do now? it's school. not many people to talk to. i was so bored it was terrible. but i got unhooked from everything for a while. it was very nice. i feel like a robot most days. bionic woman, lol.
i hate school and everything, but i miss it. i miss dirty high school..with it dusty hallways and my tiny ghetto locker, the smoke filled bathrooms. it's one of those things that you don't realize how nice it is till you can't go for a while. mainly? it's just the people. just being around people.
lots of them all at once.
today? it was pretty great. these are the days that will be a treat. these are the kinds of days that i will feel at my best. hopefully there are more of these than the terribly sick days. i will make sure of it! good news today! my hemoglobin level went up by itself this morning. my chemo headache isn't bothering me, and the doctors said i'm doing GREAT.
so,let it rock!
bring on the hell.
i'm ready. lets get it done. :)
thanks so much everyone.
keep on praying!
sarahh :)

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