Monday, February 2, 2009

ninety-six crayons. (day 3)

my chemo give me headaches. a constant annoying one. its a side effect that i'm just gonna have to live with. oh well! it's just annoying. not really painful. i have to get another ekg tonight before they start the chemo that goes through an iv. here comes the fun part, hahaha. i will learn to deal.
sweet... so i just found out that after my thirty days+a week in here i will go home for five weeks and get outpaitent stuff , then i have to come back here.
i have to come back to this place for more chemo. what the hell. no one told me!! till right now. i'm sooo mad. i don't want to come back to the hospital. it will be less time, but still!!! i'm so mad!!! i just want to get the hell out of here and go back home. i want to go back home to my life, with my friends, school, work, GUARD! i've not even been here a week and i'm already about to explode!i want my life again. i want my life to be normal again. it got torn away from me in a split second. a second that i will never get back, and will never be reversed. no going back, just looking forward. that's what i have to do.
anyway! back to my original thought. last night, i couldn't sleep. i was up talking to people till about one, and decided i needed to watch a movie and color. :] i made this absolutley kick-ass card for one of my friends as a thank you. it's pretty much amazing. i think really well late at night and early in the morning.
i have ninety-six crayons and tons of bright construction paper.
they keep me very occupied. :]
oh? and i get to lose my hair twice. SWEET.
i'm gonna get up and move around some.i'm so so sore.
keep praying for me kids. pray that my leukemia will go away. that my life will be back to some sense of normalcy soon. that my ninety-six crayons will not become short and stubby. :)
thank you so much.i can't say it enough.
sarahh. :)

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