Wednesday, March 4, 2009

way to go chemo. (day 20-21)

i'm almost there. a little bit more than ten days to go. it's like the last few weeks when you have your permit.. you feel like you know how to drive by yourself but in all reality you can't, and it sucks worse than anything! i feel like i should be able to leave but in all reality i can't. my counts are too low, and if i caught something right now, i probaly wouldn't be able to fight it off. so, not exactly ready to venture off on my own just yet.
my hair is starting to fall out in giant chunks now. i never really realized it, but i have a TON of hair. i've pulled out a bunch of giant chunks, and it still looks like i have hair. it's a lot more depressing than i thought it would be. to be able to sit around and pull out giant chunks of your hair by just running your fingers through it? wow that sucks. my hair is everywhere, and honestly, it's more annoying than anything. it's seriously everywhere. it won't just come out.but hey, that means the chemo is working.
i know.. i'm not too sure how to react to it. i mean it sucks that i'm losing it, but hey i'm getting better, way to go chemo.ya know the nasty side effects of the chemo?
one of them apparently is terrible heartburn, which causes ridiculous chest pain. wow that's not fun. i have to sleep on my back at an incline which is first off uncomfortable, and it makes me super sore. i really can't win.all i know is next week better go super fast.
cause i'm ready to go home!
keep prayin for me kids!
sarah. :)

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