Wednesday, March 4, 2009

telepathic bestie. (day 18)

i should be in school right now. i'm sitting around in my room waiting for my platelets to come up here so i can get another transfusion. fun stuff. my counts are going up though, so good news there. from a paltelet count of 7 the monday before a came here to up to as high as 65. pretty good right? but then again, a normal platelet count is somewhere inbetween 135 and 466. so a while to go! haha. but i will be up there soon enough. all of this writing and creative stuff has inspired me. i've been teaching myself how to draw, (attempting..) and writing some sick poetry on top of all this. i figured out if i'm stressed or angry, it really helps. and i am hella good at it... not to brag haha. but hey, what can i say. it's a gift!
i haven't seen my bestie shaq since the first weekend this month. i miss her a ton! i love that girl. we are so ridiculous whenever we are together. we have some good times. i don't get to see her much anymore since i moved from CC to hebron. but i usually get to see her on weekends at church, so sundays are my favorites. [: she's so awesome. i honestly don't think we've ever fought or anything crazy like that. we're more like sisters than anything, that get along really well. one thing that is kind of funny i think, is that every time i can't sleep or something she's up sometimes too. like one day i randomly woke up at five and we talked for an hour or so, she was up too. then one of the first nights i was in here, she sent me a picture of a bear that says, "get well soon" and it's the background on my phone. i was up then too, i couldn't sleep. i think it's awesome we're pretty much telepathic somedays. [:
it happens..ahh, i miss that girl a ton. \:
my sometimes telepathic besite.
we're bossayy 24/7. or really just after midnight. :)
hopefully she'll be able to come see me this weekend.
we'll be crazy as usual.but not too crazy, i still kinda bruise easily.. haha.
keep praying for me. [:
i'm doing awesome!!
sarah. :)

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