Wednesday, March 4, 2009

it's how we roll. (day 23)

i am having a much better day today. my weird chest pain has stopped for the most part, and it's the weekend! they just got world tour in the activity thing, so i went down there and was one of the first people to play it. i love that game! it is so much fun. the only problem- the tv in that room is so tiny and really high up so you can't really see all too well when you play with more than one person haha.i was playing guitar hero with erica and got suprised by my bestie! it pretty much made my day. ahhhh, i love that girl. we went back to my room and left my mom with her mom. i wanted to find the super huge wheelchair, so we all went out to the lobby. luckily for us, there were four wheelchairs, so us and her two sisters could have them. we wheeled around the floor like idiots for a while. it was great, all of the doctors and nurse were just like, wheelchair races?!?! sweet! we're just like, we're too uncordinated for that.. and they just kinda laughed. i got the dumb wheelchair that veered to the left. just my luck, haha.

after we got bored with wheeling around the fifth floor we decided we were hungry and needed to go down to the cafeteria. in wheelchairs. her one sister was smart enough to opt out, but the other three of us decided we needed to do it.
we first off just about killed each other trying to fit three wheelchairs in an elevator. and if you've never been to children's before, the distance from building A where i am to the cafeteria is a nice walk when you're just walking, ya know, without a wheelchair. going that distance in a wheelchair? wow. i have a new found respect for people that are in them all of the have to have some serious muscles for that! we barely made it to location c and were just like, lets take a break. my arms were about to fall off!
well, to make a long story short, we finally made it back to the elevators in building A and just about killed each other again trying to get in. it was so funny.what can i say, it's how we roll.every time we get together we do something ridiculous.
i love them!
know the fundraiser the band did for me yesterday?
guess how much they made?!?!
741 dollars. plus a 100 dollar donation from an anonymous woman.isn't that amazing?
when i heard i just about started balling my eyes out.
and they're going to keep fundraising!
i'm so blessed.
they're so awesome!!

keep praying for me kids.
sarah. :)

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